Evacuation & Shelter-in-Place Instructions
If you are a resident of Fresno, Madera or Mariposa counties - and need help with animal evacuation or shelter-in-place care, please follow the instructions listed below. For Kings, Tulare and Kern Counties, contact your local animal services agency first or text us at our evacuation hotline number.
Fresno County: Click on the RedCap request form link https://redcap.link/helpmyanimals
Madera County: There are several options:
1. Call the county 311 service line. Live operators are available from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. After 5 p.m., call 559-675-7769.
2. Go to website link: https://www.maderacounty.com/government/animal-services. Click on the menu option "Disaster Preparedness". It will take you to "Forms & Information". There is an Evacuation and a Shelter-In-Place animal care form. Click on Submit. If using a cell phone, click on "Jump To Subpages" for menu options.
Mariposa County: Call the Sheriff's Office / Animal Services at (209) 966-3615.
Merced County: Call Merced County Animal Services (209) 385-7436
Kings County: Call Kings County Animal Services (559) 852-2525
Tulare County: Call Tulare County Animal Services (559) 636-4050
Kern County: Call Kern County Animal Services (661) 868-7100