All volunteers are required to have a background check every five years. COEUS GLOBAL is an online background screening company that CCADT has contracted with. Please click the link below for the online application form.
Potential and existing volunteers are asked to pay for their background screening.
COST: $16.95 which covers federal, state, and county background checks.
$ 9.00 If you will be transporting animals or pulling trailers, an additional motor vehicle report is required
We understand that if this may be a financial hardship; therefore, please send an email to volunteer@ccadt.org to discuss.
Alternative Paper Application: We highly encourage you to use the online application form. However, if you wish to use the paper application, you may download, fill out and sign the paper application. (Click on the link). An example of how to fill out form is also included. We recommend you download the example to review prior to filling the application out. On the application form, if you are a volunteer, vendor, or contractor- DO NOT FILL OUT PAGE 3.
Please pay by check, money order, or cashier's check payable to Central CA Animal Disaster Team. Mail the application and payment to: Central CA Animal Disaster Team - 5132 N. Palm Ave, #113; Fresno, CA 93704. If you have any questions, please email us at volunteer@ccadt.org